的 Academic Success Center

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罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-4215

Virtual Learning

This section provides information about virtual learning, and using technology for virtual classes. You can also visit 在线学习 资源 for Students

How do I use Moodle and other technology for my classes?

OU Student Guide for 在线学习 provides information about using Moodle and virtual classes.

How can I do well in virtual classes?
  • Create a routine around your online classes - set aside time three to four times a week to complete readings, review course materials, engage in discussion forums, work on assignments and study for quizzes and tests, just like you would a regular class.
  • Find a place free of distractions to complete your work.
  • Study with the same effort for an online class as you would with an in person class.
  • Take advantage of any academic support services available such as faculty office hours, tutoring and Supplemental Instruction. 的se will help you better understand the material you are learning.
If given the choice, should I take an online class?

This is an individual decision. Many students are surprised by the challenge of online classes, thinking they will be “easier” than traditional in-person classes. Other students enjoy the flexibility online classes can offer their busy schedules. It is important to remember that online classes require a greater deal of organization and discipline, so keep this in mind as you make your decision. 

What are the different types of online classes?

的re are two types of “fully online classes” - synchronous and asynchronous.

For synchronous classes, students are expected to log in and engage in a live online class at the days and times listed on your course schedule. This is similar to an in-person class experience, but conducted virtually.

For asynchronous classes, all class materials are loaded into Moodle, and students review videos and readings in their own time, without live interaction with the instructor or classmates.